Introducing ForestIvy

ForestIvy, included in the ForestPack Pro suite, is an essential tool for artists who need to quickly create realistic ivy and climbing plants in 3ds Max.

As easy as Sketch, Climb, Render

Make your plants climb in just a few steps

As easy as Sketch, Climb, Render


ForestIvy combines detailed high-quality presets, easy-to-understand controls, and blazing fast real-time growth simulation to create detailed, lifelike vegetation that's efficiently optimized for rendering

Comprehensive library

ForestIvy comes with a free set of realistic climbing plant presets, enabling you to achieve high-quality results immediately.

Real-time feedback

Get instant visual feedback while drawing climbing plants, allowing you to see changes as you draw to significantly speed up your workflow.

Art directable

Intuitively guide the design of your climbing plants using a workflow that combines manual painting with automated growth to get the perfect look.

Easy to understand

Use straightforward jargon-free parameters to design custom climbing plants, making it easy for users of any skill level to achieve realistic results.

Add leaves, flowers, fruit and more

Model intricate, detailed climbing plants with the ability to create multiple layers of flowers, berries, thorns, and more growing from the branches. Each layer features its own set of comprehensive parameters for creating complex, natural growth patterns.

Forgot about poly counts

Instance leaves to optimize performance at render time and use Quick Mesh mode or point clouds in the viewports to ensure they remain fast and responsive, allowing for efficient rendering of dense, realistic foliage without compromising quality or speed.

Free Library of ready-to-use presets

Use our library of high-quality ivy and climbing plants to quickly add realistic vegetation to your scenes. The library is growing all the time with a selection of flowering and non-flowering species of common plants.

Where to get it

ForestIvy is available exclusively as part of ForestPack Pro, the ultimate environment creation toolkit for 3ds Max. To see what else is included, visit the ForestPack page.


Answers to common questions

Can I use my own leaves?
Absolutely! Although ForestIvy comes with a library of presets, you can easily modify these with your own geometry, or even create new climbing plants from scratch using the easy-to-understand parameters.
Does ForestIvy interact with my scene objects?
Yes! You choose the surfaces on which you would like ForestIvy to grow, and then draw initial paths to art direct the first few branches. The best thing is that the system is fully procedural. So if you edit those surfaces, the plant will also update!.
It looks like ForestIvy will produce high polygon counts, how is that handled
ForestIvy efficiently instances the geometry scattered along the branches meaning there’s minimal load on your renderer. When it comes to the viewports, we offer the choice of viewport instancing or a points-cloud display mode. You can also elect to only show a percentage of the leaves in the viewports to keep things nice and responsive. On initial release, instancing is supported by V-Ray and Arnold but other renderers should add support soon.
Is this based on the algorithm by Thomas Luft that’s used by several other Ivy Generator plugins?
No, this is a brand new Ivy plugin using our own unique algorithm that prioritizes real-time feedback and a high level of control over the growth so that artists can easily get the results they want.
Can I use my own leaves?
Absolutely! Although ForestIvy comes with a library of presets, you can easily modify these with your own geometry, or even create new climbing plants from scratch using the easy-to-understand parameters.
Can I turn off the automatic growth algorithm, so I am precisely drawing every branch?
Absolutely! Just set the Growth parameter to 1 and you will only get branches on the splines you specifically draw. The higher this growth value, the more control you give to the procedural growth algorithm.
I want to change presets, do I have to redraw all my splines?
Not at all. You can easily switch between presets to try out different plants in the scene without need to reassign objects or redraw the initial paths.
I’m a ForestPack user, is ForestIvy and additional purchase?
No. ForestIvy is now included as part of the ForestPack suite at no additional cost. Anyone with an active maintenance subscription now has access to this powerful tool.
Is ForestIvy a subscription?
No. ForestIvy is a part of ForestPack which is available with perpetual licensing and an optional maintenance plan. The software released during your maintenance period will never expire and you will have access to it for life.
Is ForestIvy available in ForestPack Lite
I’m afraid not. ForestIvy is an exclusive benefit for owners of a ForestPack Pro license.