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- We're back at 3ds London
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3ds London
Friday, 01-march-2013
Friday, 01-March-2013 in London. Our first presentation to 3ds London, a monthly meeting of UK based 3ds Max users. We showed a comprehensive overview of Forest Pack’s main features, shared some tips and made new friends.
Architectural Visualization Days 2018
Thursday, 20-september-2018
From Thursday, 20-September-2018 to Friday, 21-September-2018. Our fourth visit to Gothenburg to share knowledge with our wide crowd in the Nordics
#iToosoftTrainingDay en CICE
Wednesday, 19-april-2017
Wednesday, 19-April-2017 in Madrid. #iToosoftTrainingDay el próximo 19 de abril. Un evento exclusivo para alumnos de #CICE, donde podrán conocer de primera mano consejos y trucos de los plugins #RailClone y #ForestPack