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Cityscape Digital Training Session
Wednesday, 18-january-2017
Wednesday, 18-January-2017. Happy to be in London to meet our friends at Cityscape Digital, learn more about their workflow and carry out a training session on #ForestPack and #RailClone
3ds London
Wednesday, 07-september-2016
Wednesday, 07-September-2016 in London. It’d been far too long since we presented at London so we returned to update the UK Arch Viz crowd on some of the new features in Forest Pack and RailClone since our last visit, showcase some outstanding work created with our plugins and tease some the new features anticipated in RailClone3
Mundo Digitales 2018
Thursday, 05-july-2018
From Thursday, 05-July-2018 to Saturday, 07-July-2018. Una vez más acudimos a nuestra cita anual con la industria patria, donde enseñamos como resolvimos algunos de los casos de soporte mas inverosímiles del último año.