If you are in London tomorrow, don't forget to pop up at Vertex to check our talk about creating large scale environments with Forest Pack and RailClone.
You can see the extended information here: More info
Wednesday, 06-July-2016. We visited The Boundary to see how the talented team are using our products, answer their questions and discuss how the plugins can be improved to make them even better.
Friday, 07-July-2017 in Utrech. One more year, we are attending End User Event, an all time classic within the 3d scene in Europe, and the first event we ever attended back in 2012. For this year, we're doing a big effort, having 2 talks, one of them in partnership with Factory Fifteen, and a workshop.
From Wednesday, 19-September-2018 to Friday, 21-September-2018. En Septiembre visitamos nuestras ATCs en Madrid para presentar las últimas novedades de Forest Pack y RailClone. Realizamos talleres en los que alumnos, usuarios de nuestros plugins y usuarios de 3dsMax en general tuvieron la oportunidad de poder hablar de “tú a tú” con nuestro equipo de soporte y aplicar posteriormente lo aprendido a mejorar su workflow ya sea en arquitectura, gaming o VFX. Gracias a nuestros partners 24studioLAB, Factoría5 TrainingHub, CICE y BIMVIZ por su colaboración.