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Ask iToo July Livestream
The iToo team answer question asked during July 2022

Fichiers de ressources


Forest Pack Pro, RailClone Pro

  • ForestPack Logo, L'outil de Distribution pour 3ds max
  • RailClone Logo

A recording of our July monthly livestream where we answer questions from our users and share tips and techniques from real-world cases sent to us over the previous 30 days.

Topics Included:

00:01:07 Creating randomised wooden shingle cladding
00:08:35 Using Forest Pack for Ivy
00:21:32 Randomly rotating nested generators (example was roof surfaces)
00:32:58 How to scatter Forest Pack onto a RailClone object (for example to create planters)
00:41:08 Circle packing in Forest Pack
00:47:23 Distributing and randomising circular tables, chairs and place settings in RailClone
