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Valentin Dobre has released these wonderful renders of a Haussmannian boulevard in Paris, attempting to capture it's characteristic features. According to Valentin one of these features shown in the renders "was the luxurious second floor (“etage noble”) where the wealthier people lived and had the largest apartments. All the buildings in this project (apart from the Eiffel tower) were modelled from scratch in 3D Max with lots of help from Railclone and some 3D decoration elements from 3Dsky. The images were rendered in Corona."
I used Railclone to create this project in 3 ways:
1 - Main building for the repeating moulding details on the straight and round cornices. I used a basic linear generator and one detail segment to clone across a spline.
2 - Background buildings. Here I created 3 sections of a building which I combined using a randomize operator connected in the default slot of a linear generator. These were cloned across closed splines to create blocks of buildings.
3 - Balcony rails. For realism, I added a bit of variation to the rails on balconies. I created a few base elements for pole, start, end, middle and corner section and then I connected them into linear generators.
As you can see, nothing complicated only repeatable linear generators.
Valentin Dobre