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Free plugins updated for 3ds Max 2020
Miércoles, 10-abril-2019

Free plugins updated for 3ds Max 2020

iToo Software is best known as the publisher of Forest Pack and RailClone, but did you know we also maintain 3 plugins that are offered completely free of charge? Clone, Glue and ColorEdge are an invaluable addition to your toolkit, and they're now compatible with 3ds Max 2020!

Find out more below or see the revamped product pages for documentation and download links. 


Our free plugins add several useful features to 3ds Max. For example, if you ever wanted a procedural version of Max's Array tool, then Clone is for you. It's an easy-to-use modifier that creates copies of an object by incrementally translating, rotating and scaling the input geometry. 

Or maybe you need to project splines and objects onto geometry. Glue, can help with this. It's a utility that allows you to move items to a surface along either the X,Y or Z axis. Splines can be automatically normalised before being conformed to follow the target geometry, and items can be rotated to follow the surface’s normals.

Finally we have ColorEdge, a free map plugin that allows you to blend between maps and materials using a two colour gradient placed on any visible edge of an object. Controls for offset, width, ramp up and ramp down make the map suitable for many different creative effects.

Just like the Lite versions of Forest Pack and RailClone, these free plugins never expire and can be used commercially. They are compatible with all versions of 3ds Max from 9 to the latest release!

To help you get the most from our free plugins, we've overhauled the website with clearer information and documentation. You can also expect tutorials soon demonstrating how to get the most from these handy tools. 
