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Compatibility with 3ds Max 2022
Miércoles, 24-marzo-2021

If you’re an early adopter who can’t wait to try out the new features of 3ds Max 2022 but you're worried about support from your favourite plugin, then you’re in luck! We’re pleased to announce that Forest Pack 7 and RailClone now support the latest Max version, so there’s no excuse not to take it for a spin. You can download updates for both our plugins from your user panel.


Update Now!


If you're not yet a Forest Pack or RailClone user, why not give them a try? Lite versions of the plugins are available that offers many of the same features as the full release, can be used commercially, and never expire! You can download a 3ds Max 2022 compatible version from the Forest Pack and RailClone product pages.

We're currently working on the integration of our free plugins, which should be ready soon. Stay tuned for more information!

